Cybersecurity Services

Cybersecurity services aim to assess and improve application and network protection. Quantnex provides comprehensive information security services from IT security consulting to penetration testing to cybersecurity posture improvement to reduce risk and minimize the impact of cyberattacks.

Code Quality & Security Analysis

Code analysis is the examination of source code without the need for the computer to be actively executing any programmes. The detection of software vulnerabilities and functional problems in software that has been or is about to be implemented is a key aspect of information technology (IT) security. Further code analysis will help in the identification of challenging-to-find gaps and vulnerabilities in the infrastructure if standard testing methods are the only steps done to identify potential hazards in a complex infrastructure.

A flaw that goes unchecked in a multi-tiered system could easily develop into a serious issue. Repairing these errors takes a lot more effort and money compared to fixing any other form of source code problem. With the aid of an effective, automated code analysis tool, this strategy may be advanced further, giving you greater confidence in your code during the deployment procedure.

Source code analysis and instrumentation are essential components of the software development process because they help programmers better understand how applications behave and how upcoming code upgrades will affect those behaviours. Understanding the structure of the code at both the highest level of granularity (global programme scope) and the lowest level of granularity (procedure/function scope) is essential for debugging and validation.

When a high-level understanding of the code’s structure is provided, as established by evaluating which procedures execute other procedures or which processes allocate storage, it is possible to use complex source code transformations or performance-oriented adjustments (sometimes known as “optimizations”).

Understanding storage allocation and use is essential for embedded systems, which typically have limited memory capacity. Finally, but most definitely not least, developers need to know where the majority of the execution time is spent (execution time profiling) in order to choose a group of changes that will affect performance (performance profiling).

Cyber Crime Investigation

Any form of forged identification intended to harm a person’s reputation is investigated by us in what we refer to as “Digital Crime Investigations,” which also includes, but is not limited to, fraud in electronic money transfers, cyber security risks, sending ominous emails, email swindles, and electronic financial fraud.
We look into any and all instances of cybercrime or law that come to our knowledge. Our teams will examine incidents of cybercrime that contain the following components: the deliberate production of false IDS with the intent to harm someone’s reputation fraudulent electronic money transfer transaction Cybercrime includes many activities such as email hacking, website hacking, and email surveillance.
pornographic content that is vulgar or offensive. Making use of a credit card fraudster, Cyberattacks include denial of service attacks.
Software theft is a serious issue. There is a lot of crime in the IRC.
Large-scale extortion Attack on social engineering and phishing Any such instance of a crime being committed while a computer was being used The basis of our entire organisation consists of devoted professionals with experience handling cybercrime cases.
Please know that we are always delighted to help you whenever you need it.

Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR)

Digital Forensics and Incident Response, sometimes known as DFIR, is a field in cybersecurity that focuses on the detection of cyberattacks, the investigation of those assaults, and the repair of the harm they do. Any firm must be able to react to cyberattacks quickly and efficiently if it is to succeed in the modern world. However, according to prior research, the majority of organisations lack qualified IT staff who are able to respond to security incidents promptly.

Extensive knowledge in a wide range of extremely technical fields, such as file systems, host attack vectors, operating system designs, and network intelligence, is necessary to cope with such scenarios efficiently.


Given the staggering amount of verified violations that have happened in recent years, digital forensics and incident response are two of the most crucial areas of information security.


Computer forensics is the skill set used by IT professionals to examine hard drives and computing hardware in the world of information technology. However, in the modern digital business environment, it is crucial to take into account threats to additional digital resources, in addition to the ones mentioned above, such as networks, memory, digital artefacts, and so on.


Digital forensics therefore helps information technology professionals spot instances of crimes like malware and hacking.


The term “Incident Response” designates a number of coordinated procedures that are carried out after an incident has been identified. It is impossible to emphasise the value of accessible and clear communication in incident response. An incident response manager must reach out to all parties affected on the organization’s behalf, and efforts must be taken to address the problem.


Malware analysis may fall under the purview of IT professionals with experience in incident response and digital forensics. Software experts can perform a reverse engineering on malware to learn more about how it works, how it was made, and who made it.


Data breach investigation and response (DFIR), a historically reactive security function, has developed to incorporate cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), allowing some organisations to use DFIR activity to influence and inform preventative security measures.


As a result, in such circumstances, DFIR can also be viewed as a part of a proactive security strategy.

Information Security & Gap Assessment

According to the Cyber Threat Landscape, it is constantly evolving, and security measures that worked for your firm yesterday might not work as well today.

Every second, hackers execute assaults against a business, and a security lapse can lead to the theft of customer personal data, incurring fines and harming the company’s reputation.


An information security gap study is exactly what?


It is also known as IT security gap analysis when referring to information security gap analysis.

It is a thorough evaluation that helps businesses identify the discrepancy between the current status of their information security and the relevant industry requirements.


When you conduct a security gap analysis, you have a greater understanding of the cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities that currently affect your organisation, enabling you to work on plugging those security gaps.


A GAP evaluation can be performed on the security and compliance domains listed below: Auditing PCI-DSS Cyber Essentials under ISO 27001:2013 Response to Cyber Incidents

Mobile App (Android & IOS) VAPT

Your traditional ID card has been replaced by a mobile phone. Whether it’s for a digital transaction, using Google to find a restaurant, or for something as important as your passport information, mobile data consumption has become unavoidable. Unfortunately, it is now impossible to completely escape the risks brought on by mobile data.

The risk of sensitive company information being compromised has increased as a result of trends like BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). A growing amount of firms are adopting a mobile-first strategy, and as mobile applications for businesses become more widespread, there is growing doubt regarding the level of safety they offer for their clients.

The mobile programme VAPT can be useful in this situation. In order to comply with regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation, many steps must be followed if the app involves the gathering of user data (GDPR).

Static and behavioural analysis are also included, giving users total visibility into the application’s problems, which is crucial. This assessment is typically necessary for mobile apps that run on iOS and Android devices. Mobile application VAPT finds and classifies security problems in applications, databases, and APIs before hackers can find and use them.

Utilizing malicious programmes can be very risky because untested applications may have bugs that expose your company’s data. Utilizing a mobile app like VAPT, which has the capacity to provide us a certain level of assurance when it comes to security maintenance and monitoring, is the most ideal way to avoid any security issues.

More than 80% of mobile application users feel their financial and health apps are entirely secure, according to multiple surveys. The main goal of a mobile app penetration test is to find any exploitable flaws in the app or network that might potentially be used by hackers as a starting point.

Network & Wireless Security Assessment

Network VAPT is a technique used by security experts to assess a user’s network in order to find any potential security holes that intruders might exploit. A network penetration test’s main objective is to help firms safeguard their data from both internal and external assaults in order to strengthen the cyber security posture of their corporate networks for information technology.

Penetration testing and IT network vulnerability assessment are crucial for any company when it comes to protecting intellectual property. Since internal attacks predominate, it is crucial to regularly monitor networks and fix any vulnerabilities that are found.

Due to the constant risk of network attacks and cybercrime, Network VAPT is essential to protect sensitive data.

Depending on how strong the attack is, the attacker could be able to get network information or manipulate data to his or her benefit. This technical security assessment goes above and beyond to find security concerns and the business impact they have on your network, whether it is on the Internet, on your internal network, or on a wireless network. Basic port scanning and vulnerability enumeration are conducted.

Like wired networks, wireless networks are an extension of the infrastructure perimeter of your firm and should be thoroughly examined before being put into use. Wireless technology facilitates networking and computer connections, but it also makes it simpler for hackers to intercept wireless signals and gain access to a network.

Therefore, compared to a cable-based network, a wireless network that is not properly secured poses a greater threat to the network’s cyber security.

Security Information & Event Management

Security information and event management (SIEM), a technique for security administration, is a system that combines SIM (security information management) and SEM (security event management) duties into a single security management system.

Despite having a final e in its name, the acronym SIEM is pronounced “sim” rather than “sim”. The process of finding, gathering, tracking, and reporting security-related events in a computer system or network environment is known as SIEM (security information and event management).

Systems, software, and IT environments can all benefit from it. It makes it possible for security or system administrators to keep track of and evaluate incidents as well as to study, modify, and manage the architecture, policies, and practises that govern information security.

At the most fundamental level of the event log hierarchy, a SIEM system can establish relationships between event log objects via rules or by using a statistical correlation engine. Modern SIEM systems now have users and entity behaviour analytics (UEBA), enabling the orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) of security incidents (SOAR).

SIEM systems, which operate by deploying many collection agents in a hierarchical manner to gather security-related events, monitor end-user devices, servers, and network equipment as well as specialised security equipment like firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion prevention systems. Security information and event management systems, or SIEMs, are used to track and respond to security incidents (IP Ses).

Event gathering sends events to a dashboard for central management, where security analysts sort through the confusion, make connections, and rank the significance of security incidents.

Social Engineering Assessment Program

Even though technical evaluations are critical for any security program, they are a poor substitute for a realistic simulation of a real-world cyberattack when used alone. There is no such thing as a technical vacuum – humans are the most vital component of every company’s business process in every industry.

Technical assessments are essential for any security programme, but when utilized in isolation, they fall short of simulating a real-world hack. Humans are the most essential part of every company’s business process in every industry; there is no such thing as a technical vacuum.

The findings of this study can be utilized to pinpoint the areas that need the greatest attention in the quickest period of time, as humans are typically the weakest link in any security approach.

One more thing to bear in mind is that, depending on the situation, people may be highly unpredictable creatures. Therefore, for a review to be deemed effective, the information security professional must be aware of how to plan, organize, and conduct it out.

The biggest threat to the data that a company handles on behalf of its clients still comes from the human element. Social engineering is still one of the most popular tactics used by hackers and thieves to access their targets’ vital systems and data, regardless of whether the information in issue is credit card information, protected health information, or any other type of personal or sensitive data.

Investment in cutting-edge technology is critical if you want to keep unauthorized people out of your system and prevent them from gaining access. However, fostering a culture of security and investing in your employees as the first line of defense is equally critical for businesses of all sizes and across all vertical industries, as it is for governments.

A social engineering evaluation is a very important tool for assessing the degree of security vulnerability that most organisations are exposed to. In a deceptive attack, an attacker uses social engineering techniques to persuade individuals to take a certain action, like entering their password or clicking on a link.

Although most people associate social engineering with phishing emails, similar attacks can also happen through phone calls, SMS messages, social media, and even in-person encounters between the attackers and the target.

Customers are more likely to interact with an email that contains content that is relevant to them than they are with an email that does not. Professional social engineering requires a thorough analysis stage before implementation, in contrast to simple automated phishing programmes.

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